Hi, America.
First off, I have to deeply apologize for not writing in a good while, but there’s a very good (in the logical sense, not joyful) reason for this. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks and am only now slowly trying to get back into the writing game. But one great thing did come out of that: I got the opportunity to see the long-awaited trailer for Disney’s “John Carter” film, and I have to tell you right now, America…it looks GREAT!! It fist the mold of Burroughs perfectly. Now…on to my true motive for writing: I don’t know about you but I’ve been noticing that “reality” as we’ve come to understand is now in a constant state of relentless fluctuation. Of course, it also seems to make life itself not worth living. Now, I don’t want to come off like the pessimist I really am, but it seems that nothing ever gets any better in our accepted “reality”. In fact, if any events always conspire to destroy us, one and all.
What do YOU think about “reality”?